A downloadable game

PROJECT:Conquest is an RPG style game in early alpha. Currently there is next to no story line and little things in game to do. It is only published to ensure that it is playable on PC before the official beta release and that all the new content is available when updates are installed. When installing you will be asked for a donation but you don't have to pay for it as it is only a donation to help us keep updating consistently to bring you the best experience for the game.

At the current time, the project only has one floors and limited texts as we have not had enough of a chance to add these yet but these are coming in future updates.

More features to be put into the game Weekly.

Due to a change in studios and various other projects being created this game is no longer available for download as it no longer represents the quality which EvoStudios strives for. Many thanks to those who donated and downloaded the beta. We apologise for the lack of content added to this game but thank you for your support. We hope to bring you many high quality games in the future.

Development log